Windy Hill Ranch

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Esperanza School Visit

Chiva shows off her new "weave" behavior

Who knew a goat had such great form?

She loves to stand tall!

What a great bow!

The alpacas, El Nino and Chubasco

El Nino introduces himself to the kids.

El Nino shows how both alpacas and camels lay down.

What a handsome guy!

Yeah! It's Lucas!

Showing off how that rooting bone inside his nose works.

He roots that hoola hoop up and over his body.

He sits and stays like such a perfect gentleman.

Now for the lay down.

He is too precious!

First time performing is Winter! Ain't he cute? Here he is getting the "circle" cue from me.

Push that ball!

Take a bow.

Pippi plays soccer.

And shows how a donkey dances the side step!

She takes her bow.

The biggest star of the show! SPARTACUS!

Look at those jumps!

To the kids' delight, he rolls over.

Properly disposing his trash.

Woo Hoo! Slam dunk!

What a star!

** As always, clicking on the pics will make them bigger. Thank you Michelle for the pictures! **

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